
Baltic Drag King Collective

Baltic Drag King Collective (est. 2019) is a fluid community of drag performance artists from Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania that uses drag as a platform for deconstructing and reinventing gender, educating society, and bringing visibility to the LGBTQ+ community, with a special focus on the performance of masculinity and the representation of women, trans and non-binary identities. Activities include producing drag shows, running workshops, and arranging lectures and discussions. The Collective has networked and cooperated with other queer activists, artists, researchers and organisations from the Baltics, the UK, Germany, Poland, Sweden, Finland, Moldova and Ukraine. They have produced drag shows at Riga Pride, Kaunas Pride and Vilnius Pride and have been holding an annual coronation of the Baltic Drag King since 2019.
www.instagram.com/balticdragking, www.facebook.com/BalticDragKing


Drag artists and contributors

Latvia: Mētra Saberova (Timmy), Krista Saberova, Edgars Tabaks, Ilze Vēze-Balode (Henry Oak), Mailo Štern, DJ Lévi, Marss The Person, Vincent Hemingay, Dawn (K!NK), Niko Rain (Bazilix), Vencheska Baltique, Vivianna Maria Stanislavska
Estonia: Hanna Kannelmäe (Eeben Früülep), Maxx Toxic, MajorDanger, Ms Elsa, Helgi Saldo, Wickler Wilde
Lithuania: King A, Querelle

Exhibitions at Kogo

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